December 28, 2017


Spent a while today working on the projects page. It looks better, and it doesn't. The links still work, but I need to figure out how to re-do the grid system to make everything the same size and evenly spaced. That will be my project for the next few days. There should also be a text box on the top half of each image when you hover over it, currently there is just a text box on the bottom.

December 12, 2017


This box was here - and filled with an alternate lorem ipsum text, for me to test out boxes, padding, etc. Right now, what I'm working on is consolidating everything to my domain via the SiteGround hosting service I'm using. The WordPress blog can be found on, as I'm still planning on spending time to learn how to customize their themes.

My first thought was to get good at Wordpress so I could hopefully snag some part-time work on, but that's gone by the wayside for the time being. I'm 75% of the way through the "Web Dev Bootcamp" course I'm taking on Udemy, and hate having my time taken away by other things. The blessing and the curse of trying to learn web dev online is that there are a million resources. It's great because there are answers to pretty much everything I want to do, but a curse in that there are a billion shiny objects to distract me.